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NTU is the “Voice of America’s Taxpayers.” We work for a simple and fair tax system that enables prosperity for all and respects taxpayers’ civil rights, lean and efficient government services and regulations, sustainable fiscal policies to avoid national bankruptcy, and permanent limits on taxes, spending and debt. 

Founded in 1969, we achieve favorable fiscal policy outcomes using the most effective pro-taxpayer team on Capitol Hill and in the states. Our lobbying skills, media savvy, policy expertise, and reputation for advancing pragmatic solutions are unrivaled. 

NTU has been a major player in signature taxpayer victories of the past five decades. We were there when the federal tax code was overhauled under President Reagan in 1986. We championed the cause for a “Taxpayer Bill of Rights” in the late 80s and 90s. We were the driving force on Capitol Hill and meeting with White House staff as the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was formed and passed. And most recently, NTU led the push for the Taxpayer First Act, providing critical taxpayer protections.

In the years ahead, we will push back on unprincipled revenue grabs across the country, roll back unnecessary regulations, and encourage the investment, innovation, and free trade that will guarantee economic growth and promote a thriving free enterprise system. Additionally, NTU will work to cut out-of-control government spending so that tomorrow’s generations won’t face higher taxes or lower living standards.

Thousands of lobbyists work for special interests, but who speaks for your interest? NTU is the “Taxpayers’ Lobbyist.” We fight to ensure that all Americans are able to pursue their dreams without the heavy hand of government holding them back.

NTU is a nonpartisan 501(c)(4) nonprofit.