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NTU's Accomplishments

Below you will find a short list of some of NTU's accomplishments.  Check out what new victories we have achieved for the taxpayer!

  • WON support for a Congressional pay freeze for members of Congress.
  • SUCCESSFULLY PREVENTED tax increases on telecom issues (such as cell phones and satellite TV) in at least half a dozen states last year.
  • CO-SPONSORED the largest gathering of conservative and libertarian activists in history - the 9/12 March on Washington. Hundreds of thousands of concerned taxpayers traveled to DC to tell Congress and this Administration, "Enough is Enough!"
  • CHAMPIONED lower taxes and less government in hundreds of radio and television interviews. Last year, NTU also had more than 150 print placements and counting. The Right Guide's most recent survey of hundreds of interest groups found that NTU was number one among taxpayer organizations for media coverage. NTU was also named by the respected Washington Monthly as one of the top five interest groups out of thousands in the nation.
  • WON legislation to shut down unneeded military bases; total savings to taxpayers so far: $57 billion.
  • WON support by 29 state legislatures that have passed resolutions demanding action by Congress on a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
  • WON constitutional limits on taxes and spending. Legislative super-majority votes or votes of the people to raise taxes are now required in nearly a dozen states. Other constitutional amendments or restrictions limiting taxes or spending are now law in over a dozen other states.
  • WON cuts in federal income tax rates for ALL taxpayers. The top income tax rate was reduced from 70 percent to about 36 percent.
  • WON reforms reducing the costs of federal employee pension systems.