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Other Ways to Give

Many National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF) supporters tell us that they would like to do more to advance taxpayer rights. They want to invest in the future of America.

Making a charitable bequest to NTUF is more than just a gesture. It's a loud and clear declaration of your commitment to limited government, lower taxes, and individual freedom. It's a way to strengthen our cause for many years to come. Such giving enables NTUF to ensure that taxpayers’ interests are front and center in fiscal and economic policies. Ultimately, your gift can mean the difference between winning and losing the crucial battles that lie ahead.

Who Gives

It is a common misconception that only millionaires or the extravagantly wealthy – or elderly – include their charitable interests in long-term financial planning. This could not be further from the truth. Planned giving is easy and common for individuals of all ages and income levels.

How it Works: Charitable Bequests

While there are many ways to incorporate planned giving, at this time NTUF is only able to process charitable bequests. We do not currently arbitrate annuities or trusts, but may be able to receive gifts from those managed by a third party. If you are unsure about your preferred method of giving, or have any additional questions, please contact Al Canata by phone at (703) 299-8676, or via email

To make a charitable bequest, simply state in your will:

"I give, devise and bequeath to The National Taxpayers Union Foundation, tax ID number 52-1122683, 122 C Street, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20001 [insert dollar amount, percentage of estate, or describe property] to be used for its educational purposes."

Please let us know if you have chosen to include NTUF in your estate plans. Your legacy will be recognized (if you so desire) and deeply appreciated!

Donate Now

Are you ready to give the gift of liberty to your children and grandchildren? You could help ensure the fight for freedom for many generations to come.

To donate over the phone, or receive additional information on planned giving, please call (703) 299-8676 or email