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Vote “Yes” on H.R. 5525, the Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act of 2024

NTU reiterates our support for the Continuing Resolution following the adoption of multiple amendments in the Rules Committee. We are pleased that the new iteration of the bill contains further spending reductions and a fiscal commission to help tackle our long-term fiscal crisis. As noted in our previous Vote Alert, roll call votes on H.R. 5525 will be significantly weighted in our annual scorecard and a “YES” vote will be considered the pro-taxpayer position.


NTU urges all Representatives to vote “Yes” on H.R. 5525, the Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act of 2024. This one-month continuing resolution (CR) is not perfect, but it is the most practical step forward as we approach the end of the fiscal year. Importantly, the CR will prevent a costly government shutdown, begin to chip away at excessive spending, and give Congress more time to complete the appropriations process.

With a deficit projected to exceed $2 trillion and a national debt over $33 trillion, it is imperative that Congress act in a more fiscally responsible manner. However, this crucial goal must be balanced with pragmatism. The budget cannot achieve balance in a single year. The national debt cannot be zeroed out immediately. Our nation’s mounting economic crisis must be tackled in a manner that recognizes our challenging fiscal and political circumstances.
As it stands, a lack of progress in the appropriations process in both the House and Senate does not bode well for taxpayers. This process affords Congress the best opportunities to both restrain spending and place a check on some of the Biden administration’s most concerning policies. Indeed, a poorly functioning appropriations process severely undermines Congress’s critical oversight function and thereby cedes additional power and authority to the executive branch.
While Congress has opted to sit on the sidelines, taxpayers have been confronted with aggressive regulatory and legal actions from agencies such as the Internal Revenue Service, Federal Trade Commission, Department of Labor, and many more. Left unchecked, such actions will raise prices for consumers, make it harder for small businesses to succeed, and undermine U.S. competitiveness across the globe.
Should Members of Congress share our concerns about these rogue agencies and their impact on taxpayers and the economy at-large, we strongly urge passage of the CR and a prompt resumption of a robust appropriations process.
Roll call votes on H.R. 5525 will be significantly weighted in NTU’s annual Rating of Congress and a “YES” vote will be considered the pro-taxpayer position.

If you have any questions, please contact NTU Executive Vice President Brandon Arnold at