SCOTUS Delivers Taxpayers A Win In Janus v. AFSCME

Today, National Taxpayers Union President Pete Sepp released the following statement regarding the important Supreme Court ruling in Janus V. AFSCME:

“With the ruling in favor of Mr. Mark Janus, the Court has finally overturned over 40 years of precedent that required government employees to pay union dues or risk being terminated. Millions of taxpayers as well as many public sector workers who continue to feel financially trapped by union demands applaud the Court for their decision.

Now, millions of public-sector workers will have a choice whether they want to give hundreds, or even thousands of dollars of their own money to big unions. Contrary to rhetoric from those who back forced unionization, this ruling does not kill unions; instead, it gives workers the freedom to choose -- something every American should enthusiastically support. Like other truly voluntary organizations, unions will need to re-think how they can best appeal to prospective members, many of whom might be concerned about the long-term sustainability of the agreements that unions were supposed to be negotiating in the interest of workers.

Although important reforms have been enacted over the past few decades to restore balance over the disproportionate influence that government unions exert over policies that benefit taxpayers, today’s decision helps to affirm that employees can have a diversity of voices and representation in the workplace. Mr. Janus’ contention that government-union bargaining tactics can by themselves have an impact on fiscal policy, deserved some recognition by the Court.  

Those who disagree with this decision could very well respond with anti-taxpayer legislation to circumvent the Court’s ruling, but for now, we can all celebrate that public-sector workers will have more control over their own money -- as well as more accountability from the unions that hope to represent them."