In Memoriam: Jeanie Stanley, 1928-2015

Last week, National Taxpayers Union and Foundation lost a passionate advocate for limited government with the passing of Jeanie Stanley, our Chairman David Stanley’s beloved wife of 67 years. She was one of the organizations’ longest-serving and dedicated directors.

It would be far too easy to describe Jeanie as a companion along the difficult, often treacherous trail we blaze on behalf of taxpayers. In reality, she was “walking point,” confidently and optimistically urging us forward. Those of us who were able to meet Jeanie in person will remember the wonderful eloquence and enthusiasm she expressed for life and for our cause. She truly was Dave Stanley’s full partner in all things.

I was reminded of this in remembering when Dave and Jeanie traveled across Iowa (and later the country) to speak in favor of issues such as the Balanced Budget Amendment. I had the opportunity to sit in on several of their presentations – part town meeting, part fireside chat – to concerned citizens. Dave and Jeanie would stand, at two lecterns separated by a projector screen, and would persuasively make the case for constitutional fiscal discipline in a way that no politician or consultant ever could.

I could barely absorb how complementary, how seamless, how powerful, their presentation was – but I could see, by the enlightened faces in the audience, just how impactful their words could be.

For those of us in our community who did not know of Jeanie, I urge you to read her obituary, penned here by her husband. She was a remarkable person, whose words and deeds inspire us. We should give thanks for the lives she touched on this earth.