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NASA and Haiti Reforestation Acts Covered in Taxpayer‘s Tab

As legislators head into the Lame Duck session and taxpayers begin to make holiday plans, NTUF continues its efforts in bringing officials and citizens the most up-to-date potential spending picture.  

The latest edition of The Taxpayer’s Tab covers a wide range of topics and policy goals. One bill already signed into law is the NASA Authorization bill. Many have voiced their positions on whether space travel should remain in the realm of the government agency or privatized to let NASA focus on science and traveling to other planets. Budget hawks have cited the large bureaucracy and lack of direction shows NASA needs to be reformed. S. 3729 provides more money to NASA, on average $1.1 billion in the next three years, for more science, more encouragement of private rocket competition, and another shuttle mission.

Legislation covered in the new Taxpayer’s Tab includes:

  • S 3729/HR 5781, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act of 2010
  • S 3742/HR 2221, Data Security and Breach Notification Act of 2010
  • HR 2103/S 987, International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2009
  • S1183/HR 4206, Haiti Reforestation Act of 2010