Ron Paul‘s appearance at CPAC

With a packed auditorium of people who had listened to all sorts of conservative speakers throughout the day, a crowd erupted in a fervor of celebration as Dr. Ron Paul stepped onto the stage to the sound of “We will rock you.” The Texas Representative started out with “the revolution is alive and well!” He plead with supports and detractors that CPAC and the changing times are both “A grand opportunity for us to come together because something is brewing…believe me, I think at the end of this year, this country will be a lot better off.” But citing popular campaign buzzwords he asked, “what kind of change do we really want?... being conservative in America means… [preserving] our constitution”

He exclaimed “we want balanced budgets back – we want our liberties back!” The Representative called for a unification of rights, which have become divided into ideologies and economic sectors – including enhancing tolerance of others (“freedom doesn’t challenge personal values”), stopping the allowance of government sanctioned assassinations of both foreign nationals and United States citizens, and creating true transparency for the Federal Reserve.

Taxpayers would be happy with Ron Paul’s speech, who wanted to repeal the 16th amendment and get rid of the income tax altogether.