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NTU Statement on Senate "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act"

National Taxpayers Union (NTU) today called the Senate tax reform bill another important step toward a system that is more efficient, less complex, and creates greater opportunity for all Americans.

“Passing tax reform will unleash needed economic growth and benefit all Americans,” said NTU President Pete Sepp. “Today’s debut of the Senate’s tax reform package, along with the House’s progress on legislation, sends a clear message that Congress’ commitment to the American people remains real and achievable. As it did in 1986, the effort now confronting lawmakers will involve give and take, compromise and contention, complexity and clarification. But this is the essence of the legislative process for any matter as vital to our future as tax reform. NTU has been here before, and is ready to help push a simpler and fairer tax code across the finish line.”

As NTU reviews the details of the Senate’s proposed plan, the organization is continuing to advocate on behalf of principles that below in any tax reform package: increasing economic growth, creating good-paying jobs, allowing families to keep more of their own money, and providing a simpler filing process. Toward those ends NTU launched a television and radio ad campaign today urging Senators to support comprehensive overhaul of the tax system.

For more information on tax reform, visit NTU’s Tax Reform Toolkit.