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NTU Launches Debt Ceiling Ad Campaign: "Cut Spending. Pass a Deal."

As the debt ceiling deadline looms in early June, the National Taxpayers Union is launching a campaign on TV and radio telling President Biden and lawmakers that it's time to make a deal to cut spending and raise the debt ceiling. With both Republican leadership and the White House expressing willingness to cut federal spending below its projected baseline while raising the debt ceiling in order to avoid a disastrous economic default, the time is now to make it happen. 

Click here to watch NTU’s ad

The ad will be running over Memorial Day weekend in the Washington, D.C. market - as well as the Delaware market, where President Biden vacations.

NTU strongly supported the debt ceiling legislation passed by House Republicans in April, the Limit, Save, Grow Act of 2023. While a deal with the Biden White House likely will not contain all of the positive aspects of that legislation, a deal between Republicans and Democrats to cut spending and raise the debt ceiling would be a win for taxpayers everywhere.

As NTU wrote of the Limit, Save, Grow Act:

With the need to raise the debt limit once again, it is crucial for Congress to address federal spending habits. The Limit, Save, Grow Act will save taxpayers money by reclaiming unobligated COVID-19 funds … repealing market-distorting green tax credits and prohibiting the administration's problematic student loan bailouts... NTU applauds Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and the House Republican leadership team for their efforts to restore fiscal responsibility in America and urges all Representatives to promptly pass the proposed legislation, which will help to bring the country's spending back under control.

As NTU’s ad says of members of Congress and the Biden administration: Do your job, reduce spending, get the nation’s finances under control, and pass a debt ceiling deal.

To discuss NTU’s ad campaign and the need for Congress to cut spending and raise the debt limit, contact NTU Vice President of Communications Kevin Glass at 703-299-8670 or at