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Can You Hear Us Now? Delayed Cell Phone Tax Vote Shows Public Outcry is Being Heard

(Alexandria, VA) – This week saw the South Carolina House of Representatives delay a vote on S277, a new tax on wireless consumers intended to prop up landline services, a clear sign that it’s time to stop this unpopular bill – that’s the word from National Taxpayers Union (NTU), “The Voice of America’s Taxpayers.”

Nearly 10,000 South Carolinians (and counting) have directly told their state legislators “no” to this terrible backward-looking policy, with tens of thousands more backing a social media campaign spearheaded by NTU.

“There is no excuse for politicians in Columbia to pass the cell phone tax bill, and the latest delay indicates they’re finally getting the message,” said NTU President Pete Sepp. “The taxpayers of South Carolina must speak out even more loudly now, so their representatives know they cannot sneak this tax by them.”

The cell phone tax would affect more than 4.5 million consumers in the Palmetto State, who already pay over 16 percent of their bill in taxes.

NTU’s campaign to stop this anti-taxpayer and anti-consumer legislation can be found HERE