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Amendments to Energy and Water Appropriations Could Reap Taxpayer Savings

National Taxpayers Union Vote Alert

As the House considers H.R. 5055, the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act of 2017, NTU urges all Representatives to support initiatives that reduce expenditures, promote a true “all of the above” energy policy, and uphold free-market enterprise. To that end, we urge all Representatives to vote “YES” on the following amendments:

  • Buck (R-CO) Energy Research Amendment: This amendment would eliminate funding for the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Research Development Demonstration and Deployment, Nuclear Energy Research and Development, and Fossil Energy Research and Development programs, yielding almost $3.5 billion in savings for taxpayers in an even-handed manner. The private sector is better qualified to conduct much of the federally funded research portfolio without government meddling.

  • Weber (R-TX) Title 17 Amendment: This amendment would reduce funding for the Title 17 loan guarantee program by $7 million, addressing the source of funding for numerous high-priced failed projects like Solyndra and Beacon Power. The DOE has a bad track record when it comes to picking winners and losers in the “green energy” marketplace. In addition, billions in taxpayer funds have gone to back massive loans to international corporations like Ford and Nissan who shouldn’t be getting taxpayer handouts.

  • Polis (D-CO) Fossil Energy Research Savings Amendment #2: This amendment would save taxpayers $285 million by reducing spending for Fossil Energy Research and Development to be in-line with the Administration’s request. As mentioned previously, energy research is outside the scope and expertise of the federal government and Representatives should pursue all opportunities to extricate taxpayers from these costly, often unproductive, enterprises.

Roll call votes on the above amendments to H.R. 5055 will be included in our annual Rating of Congress and “YES” votes will be considered the pro-taxpayer position.

If you have any questions, please contact NTU Federal Affairs Manager Nan Swift (703) 683-5700