“YES”on Amendments 645 and 642 to H.R. 2832, a bill to extend the Generalized System of Preferences.

NTU urges Senators to vote “YES” onAmendments 645, introduced by Sen. Kyl (R-AZ), and 642, introduced by Sen. Hatch(R-UT), to H.R. 2832, a bill to extend the Generalized System of Preferences.

Time and again, the evidence has shown that taxpayers andconsumers are the winners from more open trade, but these benefits areundermined by the misguided policy of Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), whichperpetuates the myth that international trade negatively impacts the economy.Sen. Hatch’s Amendment would help to constrain the growth of the wasteful TAAprogram by tightening the standard for receiving benefits from one  that trade must “contribute importantly” tojob loss to one in which trade “substantially caused” job loss.

Additionally, NTU supports Sen. Kyl’s amendment, whichwould eliminate certain technical assistance grants under the TAA program asrecommended in the President’s own budget recommendations. This non-controversialamendment could save as much as $16 million a year.

Roll call votes on Sen.Hatch’s and Sen. Kyl’s amendments to H.R. 2832 will be significantlyweighted in our annual Rating of Congress and a “YES” vote on each will beconsidered the pro-taxpayer position.

If you have any questions, please contact NTU Federal Government Affairs Manager Brandon Greife at(703) 683-5700