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With Fond Remembrance: David M. Stanley

With Fond Remembrance and Profound Gratitude:
David M. Stanley, Chairman of NTU and NTUF

While others lamented about America’s fiscal plight, Dave Stanley patiently led on behalf of solutions great and small. While others craved the limelight for their own publicity, Dave Stanley always took the stage to speak for taxpayers. While others futilely sought shortcuts to the ideal of limited government, Dave Stanley invested the intellect and energy to make progress, day in and day out.

These are but a few observations of the truly honorable and gifted man who inspired so many taxpayer advocates. He passed away earlier this week to join his wife of 67 years, Jeanie, in peace.

For two and a half decades, Dave ably led National Taxpayers Union (NTU) and NTU Foundation, first as President and then as Chairman. No one was more passionate and effective in communicating the need for constitutional limitations on taxes, spending, and debt to a variety of audiences. The skills he honed from 12 years in the Iowa Legislature (as House Ways and Means Committee Chairman and Senate Majority Leader) gave him a unique ability to persuade his colleagues in the states and in Congress to work harder for taxpayers. Dave’s sharp mind and equally sharp editing eye improved the quality of every project he touched at NTU and NTUF. He was a pioneer in our movement, having sponsored as a lawmaker – in 1963! – an Iowa constitutional amendment to cap the state’s income tax rate. His ability to relate our mission and goals to the media, to potential supporters, and concerned citizens was, right up to the end of his life, amazing.

Yet Dave’s work with NTU and NTUF was but one part of his remarkable life. He was also Chairman of Iowans for Tax Relief, Public Interest Institute, and New Hope Foundation. In addition, he previously served with Jeanie Stanley as executive couple of United Marriage Encounter.

In the days to come, these pages will feature further tributes to Dave. A moving story on his life, with reflections from several of his colleagues, appears here. Now, however, we can all take comfort in the fact that Dave and his soulmate Jeanie were not apart for long. We can also remember with admiration this great man's achievements, marveling at the network of charities, citizen groups, and educational organizations his vision and compassion helped to build.