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Vote YES on the RSC‘s amendment to cut an additional $19 billion from HR 1!

     NTU urges all Representatives to vote“YES” on the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC’s) amendment to cut anadditional $19 billion in non-security discretionary spending from theContinuing Resolution, H.R. 1.

     By setting non-security discretionary spending at $378billion rather than $397 billion, the RSC amendment would ensure that the CRcuts a full $100 billion from the President’s reckless Fiscal Year 2011 budgetrequest. While even this plan only tackles about six cents of every dollar inoverspending this year, it is a prudent head start for further reductions –includingones that no longer hold sacred entitlements or defense – we know will be requiredto reset spending to historical norms and square outlays with receipts. Withstaggering debt as far as the eye can see, the time is now for Congress tobegin trimming spending the way that American families and businesses do in toughtimes.

     Roll call votes onthe RSC amendment will be significantly weighted in our annual Rating ofCongress and a “YES” vote will be considered the pro-taxpayer position.

If you have any questions, please contact:
NTU Vice President of Government Affairs Andrew Moylan at(703) 683-5700