This Impressive Slate of Opinion Pieces Explains Why the “Marketplace Fairness Act”is Terrible

The federal online sales tax mandate known as the “Marketplace Fairness Act” has gained ground in the Senate, and should face a final vote there next week. Sen. Reid has attempted to push it through without going through the normal process of analysis and debate. The op-eds below offer all the reasons why Reid is avoiding exposing this unconstitutional scheme to the light of day – “MFA” will crush interstate tax competition and open the door to more state cash grabs.

Sen. Rand Paul writes in the Washington Times:

An ill-advised Internet tax mandate

Sen. Jim DeMint writes in the Wall Street Journal:

Jim DeMint: No Internet Taxation Without Representation

Professor Michael Greve writes in Forbes:

The Internet Sales Tax Reveals Its Foolish Head Yet Again

Megan McArdle writes in the Daily Beast:

The Real Problem With the Internet Sales Tax

The National Review writes:

The Misnamed Marketplace Fairness Act 

The Wall Street Journal writes:

The Internet Sales Tax Rush