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The Late Edition: October 3, 2013

Today’s Taxpayer News!

Shutdown web pages: In what may have been the final pre-government shutdown act by the National Park Service and the Department of Agriculture, the departments used their time to come up with new web site splash pages saying their website was to be inaccessible during a “shutdown”.  More details on the Daily Caller.

Dependant disaster: A Philadelphia County is reeling after the revelation that employees had been committing insurance fraud on a massive scale for over 20 years. The officials were packing their taxpayer funded insurance plans with ineligible dependants, and pocketing the money. The total loss was estimated at $200,000. More details at Phillyburbs.

Duplicate waste: North Carolina’s New Hannover County government is advocating a significant investment in recycling centers.  The issue is private companies have already invested about $60 million into landfills and recycling in and around the community.  Read more at the Star New Online.