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Come Speak Out Against the Bag Ban!


Dear Taxpayer:

Austin politicians just don’t know when to throwsome ideas in the trash bin. Next week, city officials will resume debate on aproposal to eliminate your ability to use paper and plastic grocery bags byslapping them with big taxes and eventually banning them altogether. In orderto stop this damaging proposal, we need your help at a meeting next week!

The City of Austin will host a forum to debate an ordinancethat first imposes a $0.10 tax on those bags, and then prohibits themaltogether by 2013. If approved, this scheme would hold the dubious honor ofbeing one of the highest bag taxes in the country.

The good news is you’ll have an opportunityto weigh in and oppose onerous bag bans and taxes. You can speak out by attendinga forum at City Hall this coming Monday, January 30th or participatevia telephone by calling 888-886-6603and using code 18004#.


InteractiveForum on the Future of Plastic and Paper Bags in Austin
Monday, January 30, 2012
6:00 p.m.
Austin City Hall Council Chambers

301W. 2nd St.
Austin, TX 78701


Austin city officialsneed to focus on more important matters like reducing wasteful spending and right-sizinggovernment. This proposed ordinance places ever higher burdens on taxpayers andbusinesses. We need your help! Stand up and say “no” to higher taxes and bagbans. Join fellow activists at the meeting to stop the ban in its tracks!



Your Grassroots Action Team at NTU