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Coalition Urges Congress to Expedite Obamacare Repeal

Dear Congress:

We, the below signers, are members of the Repeal & Reform Obamacare Coalition.

Obamacare repeal has been a political imperative ‎from the American people for the better part of a decade.

While there may be disagreements on the details of how repeal (and broader reforms) should be accomplished, the necessary procedural first step is passage of the Repeal Resolution (S.Con. Res. 3), and with it as much of the Obamacare as feasible under legislative rules.

We therefore urge you to keep the Repeal Resolution clean of extraneous matter and to support all efforts to ensure its expeditious passage.


Heather R. Higgins
President and CEO
Independent Women's Voice
Phil Kerpen
American Commitment
Beverly Gossage
HSA Benefits Consulting
Brandon Arnold 
Executive Vice President
National Taxpayers Union
Grover Norquist
Americans for Tax Reform
Ken Hoagland
Defend America Foundation
Merrill Matthews, Ph.D.
Resident Scholar
Institute for Policy Innovation
Nancy Piotter
Executive Director
Virginians for Quality Healthcare
Gregory Angelo
Log Cabin Republicans
Greg Scandlen
Health Benefits Group
James L. Martin
Founder and Chairman
60 Plus Association
Thomas Schatz
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste
CL Gray, MD
Physicians for Reform
Jeff Kanter
Health Excellence Select