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Publications : Pork & Waste



Legislation Rewards Whistleblowers to Combat Pandemic Loan Fraud

by Isabella LoCicero February 02, 2024



Taxpayers Paid for Research into Stargates & Warp Drive in Secret Defense Program

by Demian Brady January 24, 2019



Senator Flake Reveals Wastebook 2017

by Spencer Woody January 10, 2017


Press Mentions 

"Use It or Lose It" Budgeting Leads to End of the Year Agency Splurges

by Demian Brady October 19, 2016



Tis the Season to “Use It or Lose It”

by Demian Brady, Spencer Woody September 30, 2016


Taxpayer's Tab 

Latest Taxpayer's Tab: Publicly Funded Art

by Michael Tasselmyer August 20, 2014