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Publications : Spending



American Sweet Tooth Snuffed by Protectionist Measures

by Ali Motamedi June 18, 2024



Youngkin Shouldn’t Buy A Bad Stadium Deal With A Bad Budget Deal

by Andrew Wilford February 29, 2024



Protectionism or military adventurism — the US deserves better

by Ryan Nabil January 30, 2024



OKC Stadium Deal Thunderously Bad for Taxpayers

by Andrew Wilford January 02, 2024


Issue Brief 

A Fiscal Commission Is Needed to Break the Status Quo of Deficit Spending

by Demian Brady December 12, 2023



Why Do We Still Have Government Shutdowns?

by Andrew Wilford November 03, 2023



The Biden Admin’s Claim That Student Debt Cancellation ‘Hurts Nobody’ Is Outrageous

by Andrew Wilford October 13, 2023


Issue Brief 

Medicare Outpatient Payment Reform Could Save Taxpayers Billions

by Demian Brady, Dylan Coombs September 06, 2023



The Defense Department’s Failed Audits Are an Indicator of Wasteful Spending

by Dylan Coombs July 26, 2023



Lawmakers Should Be Mindful of Fiscal Responsibility in the 2024 Defense Authorization

by Demian Brady, Dylan Coombs July 11, 2023



Supreme Court Strikes Down $400 Billion Student Loan Cancelation Plan

by Joe Bishop-Henchman June 30, 2023



A List of 10 Familiar Budget Gimmicks, Debatable Assumptions in New Biden Budget

by Andrew Lautz March 13, 2023



The New Biden Budget Proposes a Concerning Change to How Congress Considers the Annual Budget

by Andrew Lautz March 10, 2023