The Late Edition: August 29, 2012

Today’s Taxpayer News!

NTU’s vice president Pete Sepp was featured in a recent article in the Washington Times examining the whereabouts of $1 million in federal stimulus funds that the Federal Communications Commission handed over to a London-based company in hopes of it creating jobs. Unfortunately for taxpayers, the company, SamKnows Ltd, created all of zero new jobs in the United States.

Good news for taxpayers still reeling from the General Services Administration’s reckless spending bout that resulted in $823,000 worth of taxpayer dollars wasted on a training conference. A recent article from the Washington Post  highlights the GSA’s self-reported savings of $11 million since April.

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK) speaks out in US News against taxpayers being forced to fork over $18 million in 2012 to both the Democratic and Republican parties for their respective conventions.