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Ryan Nabil

Ryan Nabil is the Director of Technology Policy and Senior Fellow at the National Taxpayers Union. Prior to NTU, Ryan served as a Research Fellow with the Center for Technology and Innovation at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, where his research focused on US, UK, and EU approaches to artificial intelligence and data governance, telecommunications, and innovation policy. 

At CEI, Ryan authored reports on improving the US National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan, reforming broadband subsidy programs, and designing better regulatory sandbox programs to promote innovation. He also submitted written testimony and filed regulatory comments with the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, the Federal Communications Commission, the US Senate, and Ofcom, the UK’s telecommunications regulator. He has also been part of several technology policy working groups, such as the Heritage Foundation’s 2025 US Presidential Transition Project FCC Working Group. Ryan has published more than fifty op-eds, articles, and blog posts in outlets including The National Interest, the Yale Journal of International Affairs, and The Washington Post.  

Prior to CEI, Ryan was a Fox International Fellow with France’s Institut d’Études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), where his research examined UK/EU foreign policy towards China and Chinese and Russian approaches to international and regional organizations. He also worked as an economic policy researcher at the American Enterprise Institute and served as a Rosenthal Fellow in the US Congress.

Ryan was educated at Kenyon College, Oxford University, and Yale University, where he earned an MA in global affairs. While at Yale, he served as a teaching fellow for three courses related to Chinese politics, diplomatic history, and data analysis. He also served as a delegate/research fellow with the Stanford US-Russia Forum and managing editor of the Yale Journal of International Affairs. Ryan speaks English, German, French, Bengali, and intermediate Chinese and Russian.