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Take Action: Support Free Trade and Free Markets!

URGENT: The House passed Trade Promotion Authority on Thursday, June 18th. The ball is now back in the Senate's court to foster our country's economic growth. Let your Senator know that you stand for Free Trade by taking action today!


As you know, high taxes hurt the economy by making it more costly and difficult to conduct business. That’s why we at National Taxpayers Union are strong advocates of lower taxes and freer markets.

The same basic principles are true when it comes to international trade. High tariffs and other barriers to commerce slow growth and reduce our economic output. Reducing these government-imposed burdens domestically and abroad means more growth and more opportunities for entrepreneurs.

The vast majority of economists agree – it’s tremendously beneficial for the federal government to enter into agreements with foreign nations that promote free and open markets. To do so, Congress must pass Trade Promotion Authority or TPA.

TPA creates a path for trade negotiations that allows Congress to set forth important national priorities while permitting the U.S. Trade Representative to negotiate the specific terms of the deal. It strikes a necessary and appropriate balance between executive and legislative authority.

Trade agreements are essential to improving our economic output and stimulating more growth. According to the U.S. Trade Representative, exports accounted for 13.5 percent of the U.S. economy and supported 11.3 million jobs in 2013.

At the same time, the benefits of imports are often overlooked or downplayed, despite the fact that they help lower the cost of goods and services while boosting employment. According to a 2013 study by Trade Partnerships Worldwide, “U.S. imports supported more than 16 million net, direct and indirect American jobs, representing 9.3 percent of total U.S. employment.”

Economic growth and jobs are on the line.

That’s why Congress must pass Trade Promotion Authority now!

Please contact your Representative and Senators and make your voice heard today