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Tell the government "NO" on any energy bailout

Government has no business meddling in America’s energy market by placing its thumb on the scale in favor of certain well-connected companies over taxpayers. However, recent reports indicate the federal government is moving forward with a $35 billion bailout for financially troubled energy companies. If that happens, consumers will be paying more to keep afloat failing companies. Lawmakers and the White House need to hear that taxpayers oppose this flawed action.


A recent report from within the Department of Energy indicates the federal government is preparing a $35 billion bailout of a few large energy companies. Should it follow through and artificially prop up these companies, it would constitute an unprecedented expansion of federal intrusion into America’s energy sector — a move that should make all free market advocates cringe. Unfortunately, this scheme would run counter to the administration's mission for a fairer economy by giving an unfair advantage to some firms operating within the free market. Newly unveiled research shows bailing out these financially distressed energy companies could cost up to $35 billion per year. This move will come at the expense of working families and job-creating small businesses who will have to fork over more money just to cover their electricity bill. It is not the responsibility of consumers and taxpayers to be burdened with higher prices to cover poor financial decisions by private companies.

Competition in free markets has benefited all consumers by lowering energy costs for ratepayers. But as is usually the case, when government intervenes in the market it creates distortions which benefit a select few at the expense of everyone else. Just last month NTU and a coalition of free market, pro-taxpayer organizations sent a letter to the administration against this misguided plan. We write “a government bailout would mark a significant departure from your market-based approach by tilting the field in the favor of certain companies.”

As supporters of free and competitive markets, limited government, and pro-taxpayer policies, we must ensure this plan does not come to fruition. Our elected officials must hear from taxpayers, not special interests negotiating a backroom bailout behind closed doors. Taxpayers are sick and tired of politicians using our money to bailout wealthy companies. We need you to contact your elected officials and urge them to tell the administration ”NO” on any energy bailout.