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Thank You


The first major tax reform in 30 years deserves some appreciation

2017 marked the first time in 31 years that Congress and the President passed comprehensive tax reform. They delivered on a once-in-a-generation opportunity to fix our broken tax code that has hindered economic growth and upward mobility. This new law will allow Americans to keep more of their hard-earned money and will make American businesses more globally competitive.

Tell your lawmakers: Thank you for passing tax reform in 2017!

To: Your Senator, Representative

As a constituent, I want to thank you for supporting the pro-growth tax reform legislation that will benefit my household and the nation’s economy. Because of your vote, our tax code will now be fairer, flatter, and simpler for all taxpayers.

In addition to more money in my pocket at the end of each month, changes to the business tax code are allowing more companies to make investments in their workers here at home. Since the passage of tax reform, over 2 million workers have gotten a bonus and higher wages. This is a sign that tax reform will continue strong economic growth throughout 2018.

Thank you again for standing with my fellow taxpayers and businesses across the country.


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