The Late Edition: October 31, 2013

Today’s Spooky Taxpayer News!

More website waste: A new report from CBS News reveals that 15 of the state-based exchange websites for Obamacare are facing errors and cost overruns that total more than $1 billion. Also alarming are reports that contractors were paid to do duplicate jobs among the states.

Backlogged parks: In the wake of the National Parks Service’s questionable actions during the ‘shutdown’, the agency is now drawing fire for failing to use their allotted taxpayer funds to solve the backlog of maintenance issues at parks. Almost $2 billion of money allocated to fix toilets, clean monuments, and fixing outdated utilities were instead used to send rangers to a wine tasting and a Michigan car show. Read more at B98.5 FM.

Green tech mess: The scope of financial and environmental damage from a taxpayer funded solar company is now being realized. After receiving a loan guarantee from the federal government, Abound Solar went bankrupt in 2012, leaving taxpayers to pick up a $40-60 million tab. What’s worse, the company left toxic chemicals at the site and the cleanup will cost another $3.7 million. Moe details from the Heartland Institute.