BillTally Data Being Used in Republican Primary Fight

A few recent news articles on the battle for the RepublicanPresidential nomination have referred to NTU and NTU Foundation data being usedby the campaigns.

A particular “Restore our Future” ad references NTU Foundation’sBillTally data.

To be clear, neither NTU nor NTU Foundation endorsespresidential candidates. Furthermore, we have no affiliation with any of theseads; information on the NTU rating of Congress as well as NTU Foundation’s BillTallyis available to everyone through public portals on this website. Still, withthese projects coming up in campaign-trail news – and generating many publicinquiries – we thought it would be useful to focus on one aspect of our workhere.

Below you will find Rick Santorum’s career BillTally data. Inthe particular Congress apparently referenced in the “Restore our Future” ad,2003-2005, Santorum’s net spending agenda was $28.7 billion, compared to theSenate Republican average spending agenda of $33.7 billion.

BillTally (as many Government Bytes readers know) measuresthe spending agenda, meaningsponsorships and co-sponsorships of legislation, for individual members ofCongress. It has nothing to do with floor votes. BillTally allows citizens tosee what kind of changes to federal expenditures (not taxes or regulations) theirrepresentatives have proposedoverall, and the cost that would beincurred if their entire agenda were passed.

More BillTally data is available in the archive HERE.

Rick Santorum ‰Û¬NTUF BillTally Data‰Û¬ 102nd -109th Congress



Spending Cuts


































‰Û¬Note:  Dollar figures are in billions of dollars.  Net may not add due to rounding.‰Û¬* Spending cuts for 105th Congress total $4 million.  This is in contrast to the 108th Congress when he did not sponsor or cosponsor a spending cut bill.‰Û¬Source:  National Taxpayers Union Foundation