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Tour Featuring New Polling on Unpopular Internet Sales Tax Scheme Hits the Road

(Washington, DC) – Today, National Taxpayers Union (NTU) and the R Street Institute begin a 20-state tour to announce new poll results showing just how toxic the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act’s (MFA’s) Internet Sales Tax plan is throughout the country.

The first stop on the tour is South Carolina, where R Street Executive Director Andrew Moylan and NTU Executive Vice President Pete Sepp will host a press conference at the state house in Columbia to review the results of the latest poll, which found Palmetto State voters reject an Internet Sales Tax scheme by a wide 51-36 percent margin.

“New Internet sales tax laws are bad policy, but this polling proves that they’re terrible politics as well,” said R Street’s Andrew Moylan. “It shows that strong majorities across the country seek an Internet that enriches their lives, not out-of-state revenue agents.”

NTU’s Pete Sepp said, “Special interests might convince some in Washington, but in the states, voters are not fooled by any attempts to unleash tax collectors from reckless states like New York and Illinois on their hometown businesses.”

Last year a national NTU and R Street Mercury poll found 57 percent of respondents were opposed to an Internet Sales Tax Scheme like MFA.

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The R Street Institute is a non-profit, non-partisan, public policy research organization (“think tank”). Its mission is to engage in policy research and outreach to promote free markets and limited, effective government.

National Taxpayers Union (NTU), “The Voice of America’s Taxpayers,” was founded in 1969 to work for lower taxes, limited government, and economic freedom at all levels. NTU has 362,000 members nationwide.