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When the failing Merrill Lynch’s new CEO John Thaine remodeled his office he was publicly excoriated. He spent 1.22 million dollars by the time he was done on such things as the famous designer Michael Smith and a 19th century credenza. CNBC, CNN, and the blogosphere picked up the story as a classic example of corporate greed. Even the Obama administration picked up on it as Robert Gibbs said, “The American people need to be greatly assured that their hard-earned money is not going to the bonuses or the remodeling of an office at a bank that’s in trouble".

While I don’t condone Thaine’s spending or actions, it does seem curious that the mainstream media hasn’t picked up on another story. Roughly six months after the Thaine story broke, the Obama administration approved 1.4 million dollars of taxpayer money to remodel a 7th floor judge’s office in Tampa, FL. It seems spending is evil if you’re a corporate executive, but if you’re in the executive branch of government its patriotic. If you’d care to visit these glorious judge’s chambers feel free, after all you paid for them. The address is: 801 N. Florida Ave 7th Floor, Tampa, Florida 33602.

Finally, as a side note, if you’re wondering what became of the expensive designer Michael Smith, he was subsequently hired by the Obamas to spruce up the white house.