America Speaking Out

The House GOP has introduced yet another way for Americans to play a more active role in their government. In addition to the YouCut initiative mentioned in a post last week, House Republicans have launched America Speaking Out. While the two are similar in their efforts to engage the electorate, America Speaking Out differs from YouCut in that it stimulates conversation and allows you, the taxpayer, to offer your own policy ideas. Here's how it works:

Select a category you care deeply about, and then proceed to debate ideas that are posted, offer one of your own, or just look around. Every idea will have the ability to be "voted on" and activity points and badges will be awarded to participants. These points are important because America Speaking Out will display the most active participants. The overall goal is to provide Congress with an agenda that Americans have weighed in on; an agenda that is both relevant and effective.

Share your ideas on how Congress can curb wasteful, runaway spending. Some of the user ideas found under the "Fiscal Accountability" category are to cancel all unused TARP funds, cut defense spending by 20%, eliminate farm subsidies, and enact a Balanced Budget Amendment and spending caps. Do you agree? If so, vote! If not, offer your personal suggestions.

Speak out, America! Make sure Congress' priorities reflect your own.