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Pete Sepp is New President of National Taxpayers Union

(Alexandria, VA) — Pete Sepp is the new President of National Taxpayers Union (NTU) and National Taxpayers Union Foundation (NTUF). Sepp has served NTU and its 362,000 members for 26 years, most recently as Executive Vice President. Duane Parde is completing his service as NTU-NTUF President and will serve as a high-level advisor through September.

Pete Sepp said, “I’m honored to have taken part in the proud, principled past of NTU and NTUF, and I’m equally thrilled to lead these prestigious organizations into a future filled with victories for taxpayers. With our capable staff, our energetic grassroots membership, and our proven reputation for effectiveness, the days ahead will be exciting and productive. Forward!”

David M. Stanley, Chairman of NTU and NTUF, said, “Pete Sepp is the right person at the right time to lead our taxpayers’ movement. Pete has the unanimous, enthusiastic support of our Board and leadership team. He has proved his leadership talents, loyalty, and commitment to the taxpayers’ cause ever since he came to NTU as an intern in 1988. For Pete this is not a job; he is living his strong belief in lower taxes, smaller government, and economic freedom.

Stanley added, “We are grateful for our good friend Duane Parde, who has given faithful and dedicated leadership to NTU and NTUF throughout his seven years as President. Duane is giving us great help in the transition. He is a long-time pro-taxpayer leader and has our full support as he moves forward in his career.”

“As I take the next step in my professional life, I will always fondly remember the professionalism and dedication of the NTU and NTUF team,” Duane Parde said. “I know that in my colleague Pete’s hands there are many spectacular successes to come.”

As Executive Vice President, Sepp led NTU’s government affairs, public information, and strategic planning, while directing NTUF’s research and educational work. He was Editor-in-Chief of NTU’s award-winning Dollars & Sense newsletter. Sepp has appeared on every major TV network, is a frequent guest on cable channels and radio, and is widely featured in print media. He has written significant policy papers, activist manuals, and testimonies for Congress on topics such as citizen tax revolts, the federal income tax structure, Pentagon spending, and entitlement reform.

NTU is a nonprofit, nonpartisan citizen group founded in 1969 to work for lower taxes, smaller government, and economic freedom at all levels.