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The Late Edition: November 18, 2013

Today’s Taxpayer News!

Illegal RX waste: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) paid out nearly $29 million in prescription drugs to just 4,139 illegal aliens from 2009-11. The results were discovered by the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General. More details at CNS News.

Movers and wasters: An Ohio company that specializes in the transportation of citizens with disabilities overcharged the state’s Medicaid over $1 million. Auditors found hundreds of cancelled trips that were reimbursed and hundreds more that were not authorized as medically necessary. ABC 6 has more.

Indoor air waste: The Environmental Protection Agency is asking for $4.5 million to study the affects of climate change on indoor air quality. The request came in a 20-page document illustrating “funding opportunities”. See more at CNS News.