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NTU Stands With Utahns in Opposition to Online Tax

National Taxpayers Union is a long time defender of taxpayers’ rights and we stand in opposition to bad policies that attempt to raise taxes and hinder economic growth. Today our friends at NetChoice released a poll taken in Utah showing that residents strongly oppose state and federal legislation to expand sales taxes to online transactions. The poll found that 71 percent of Utahns oppose online sales tax legislation and 78 percent believe the current system is fine as is.

NTU’s Executive Vice President Brandon Arnold stated, “It’s not at all surprising that Utahns are strongly opposed to efforts to dramatically expand sales tax collection and enforcement. In 2014, National Taxpayers Union commissioned a study that found the average impacted Utah household would have to pay an additional $214 in sales taxes annually under a national sales tax regime like the so-called Marketplace Fairness Act. NTU also conducted a poll in 2014 that showed 75 percent of likely voters in Utah support keeping the Internet as free of taxation and regulation as possible. In the poll released today, residents of the Beehive State have once again shown strong opposition to efforts by state and federal politicians to get their hands on more tax dollars.”

It is clear from the recent poll that Utahns want Internet access to remain tax free. An Internet unencumbered by high taxes and excessive regulation is good for commerce and the economy in Utah and the entire country.