A Message from NTU Foundation

On behalf of the National Taxpayers Union Foundation, I would like to convey our deep appreciation for your support in 2013 and wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday Season, and a prosperous New Year.

Thanks to you, NTU Foundation has reached more taxpayers with vital information on Washington's spending addiction, more lawmakers with our special BillTally project data, and more reporters and bloggers in need of analysis that you won't find anywhere else. This year has been a great success and we want you to know that we couldn’t have done it without your help. That is why I am asking you for your continued support in America's time of need.

As Congress continues to avoid the tough choices, Americans are being hit with higher taxes and more spending. The politicians say that we need to spend our way out of this economic slump, but you know better. You can't run a household by borrowing: you have to cut back your costs. Congress doesn't understand that. They think that more legislation and regulations will put Americans back to work, but the reality is that taxpayers are the real job creators, not the government.

You know how to balance a checkbook -- to prioritize -- and I'm asking for you to keep NTUF in your thoughts as you do your end-of-year planning. We need your continued support because NTU Foundation is entirely member-supported. Unlike some other organizations in and around the nation's capitol, we don't take government handouts. Instead, we rely on contributions from taxpayers like you, who understand that the more transparency there is regarding the cost of bills in Congress, the closer we can get to a balanced budget and lower taxes.

Did I mention that all contributions to NTUF are fully tax-deductible?

With your $100, $50 or $25 gift, not only will NTUF be better able to cut through the political rhetoric with clear-cut data but you can also help ensure that Washington's big spenders will get that much less from you on Tax Day! Next year, we plan to score more legislation, show more Americans the cost of government, and help educate the next generation of policy experts ... and you can help us make a difference!

Again, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and appreciate your continued support!

With gratitude and thanks,

Duane Parde

P.S. Remember, to receive a 2013 tax deduction, you must make your contribution to NTUF by December 31st. To donate via credit card or PayPal, you can visit our secure online donation page. Please don't wait. Support NTUF today!