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The Spending Policies in the NC Senate Race: $141 Billion Budget Impact Separates Burr & Ross

NTUF released a line-by-line analysis of the candidates’ spending agendas in the North Carolina Senate race. Although the Senator Richard Burr and State Representative Deborah Ross agree on some issues, including boosting intelligence resources and increasing spending on child care and education, the bottom line price tags of their agendas are in stark contrast. On a yearly basis, Burr’s campaign proposals would reduce spending by $87 billion, while Ross’s platform would increase spending by $54 billion.

All proposals that could have fiscal policy implications are considered in the analysis, though only those with an impact on federal outlays that can be accurately quantified are included in NTUF’s bottom-line agenda estimates. Both candidates had a number of proposals whose costs could be determined due to lack of specificity.

As the candidates debate this evening and close out the campaign over the coming weeks, voters in the Tar Heel state can use this analysis to evaluate the real budgetary impact of the proposals being discussed.

Detailed reports are available for Burr and Ross.