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Latest Taxpayer's Tab: Iowa Election Focus

In the latest edition of The Taxpayer's Tab, we feature new research from NTUF that reveals the potential budgetary impact of State Senator Joni Ernst's and Congressman Bruce Braley as they face off in the upcoming election to determine Iowa's next Senator.

NTUF's campaign studies look at quotes made on each candidate's website, in campaign literature, and in public debates and interviews in order to determine the policies they would likely support if elected. From there, we match each of those policies with cost estimates for similar legislation or budget proposals in order to determine the net budgetary effect each candidate's agendas might have.

In our Iowa study, we found that State Senator Ernst supported policies that would, on net, reduce federal spending by $87.1 billion per year, while Congressman Braley's proposals would increase federal spending by $41.9 billion. That's a difference of over $128 billion per year.

For more on the study, including a link to the study and detailed information on all of the candidates' proposals, check out the latest edition of The Taxpayer's Tab.