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Flight Costs for President’s 2nd International Trip Totals $2.5 Million

With President Trump’s travel to Europe for the G20 in Hamburg and the Three Seas Conference in Poland, taxpayers are on the hook for $2.5 million solely for Air Force One (AF1) costs.


Estimated Air Force One Costs for President Trump’s 2nd International Trip
Departure & DestinationAir Force One Flight CostsHours: Minutes
Washington, DC to Warsaw, Poland$1,153,2788:6
Warsaw, Poland to Hamburg, Germany$213,5701:30
Hamburg, Germany to Washington, DC$1,112,9377:49


Expenses are calculated from the current cost to operate AF1 ($142,380), and the reported departure and arrival times on the President’s itinerary.

Of course, this figure is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to international travel. Security is often the largest unreported cost when the President travels abroad as equipment and personnel are pre-positioned to ensure the safety of the head of state and his entourage. Taxpayers deserve better accounting and more transparency of the logistical, planning, and operational costs, as well as an overview of the security costs that protect the safety of anyone involved.

This is Trump’s second journey abroad. By the end of this trip he will have visited a total of eight countries over 14 days of travel. He will be traveling to France late next week to honor an invitation from French President Emmanuel Macron for Bastille Day, and to commemorate the 100th anniversary of America’s entry into World War I. Through mid-July in his tenure, President Barack Obama had completed five international trips to 17 countries over 24 days.