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Smile for NTU Foundation

On behalf of all of us at National Taxpayers Union Foundation, I wish you and your loved ones a happy and memorable Thanksgiving. In the greatest and most prosperous country the world has ever known, Americans have a lot for which to be thankful. Here at NTUF, we recognize each and every day how fortunate we are to have your support.

With the arrival of the holiday season, you have the opportunity to help NTUF as you shop for friends, family, and loved ones, and it won’t cost you a penny.

When you make a purchase on, make sure you select NTUF as your Amazon Smiles charity!

This program donates a percentage from your purchases to a cause of your choice. What better cause could there be, than to support those working hard to show how limited government, fiscal responsibility, and economic freedom are precious, timeless values. 

By choosing NTUF as your Amazon Smiles charity, you are choosing the free market and the fundamental freedoms enshrined in our Constitution. 

Not on Amazon? Make a $20, $30, or $50 tax-deductible contribution to NTUF and lower your own tax burden!

As you give thanks for the good in your lives and the love of those around you, NTUF wishes you well!

Remember to make NTU Foundation your Amazon Smiles charity TODAY and contribute to the cause of freedom with every Amazon purchase you make