House Should Pass Senate Budget to Keep Tax Reform on Track

NTU strongly urges all Representatives to vote “YES” on H. Con. Res. 71, the fiscal year 2018 budget resolution as amended and passed by the Senate. Passage of this resolution is critical for addressing the nation’s highest fiscal priority - fixing our broken tax code.

For the first time in decades, Congress and the President are working together toward enactment of pro-growth tax reform that simplifies the code, reduces administrative burdens, and provides financial relief to families of all economic backgrounds. Getting tax reform done will require usage of the reconciliation process, which can only be initiated if the House and Senate pass a unified budget. The importance of doing so cannot be overstated. By quickly advancing the Senate-passed budget resolution, thereby avoiding a potentially lengthy conference process, Representatives can maintain momentum and expedite consideration of tax reform legislation.

In addition to providing a path forward on tax reform, the Senate budget resolution contains other measures that make it commendable to both taxpayers and Senators. For instance, it wisely adheres to the modest caps set by the 2011 Budget Control Act (BCA). We are concerned that the budget resolution contains a mechanism that could increase spending, should a new budget agreement be reached on discretionary spending levels. Nevertheless, we are pleased that it budgets within the limits prescribed in the BCA, avoids an unnecessary budget sequester, and reserves what has been the most effective tool for trimming discretionary spending in years.

Congress has a rare opportunity to enact historic tax reform that could reinvigorate the economy and improve the standard of living for Americans from all walks of life. If fundamental tax reform is going to become a reality, passage of this budget is imperative.

Roll call votes on the Senate’s fiscal year 2018 budget resolution will be included in our annual Rating of Congress and a “YES” vote will be considered the pro-taxpayer position.